Devil Springs Has a Cover!

And a release date!! (April 28th 2020)

And is available for pre-order!!! (And you can support my publisher directly by ordering from their site:

Five fun things about Devil Springs:

1. This story was inspired by a very tiny news blurb about a mayor in a small Florida town who really did officially ban the devil from her town. I didn’t research it or base anything in my book off any of the actual events — that one bit of information was enough to write a book.

2. The oldest, oldest draft of this was just a short story which was part of my graduate thesis collection in 2003.

3. There’s a scene where Mesa does a lot of angry smashing, and it was really satisfying to write.

4. Mesa’s neighbor Drew has Fragile X but a mosaic form, so he’s higher functioning than most with Fragile X Syndrome.

5. The main character’s name is Mesa which is the name of my oldest niece. Yes, real-life Mesa knew I was stealing her name. I’m not really sure how real-life Mesa got her name, but fictional-character-Mesa explains her moniker this way:

Mesa means table in Spanish and in English it’s a table-top landscape, so it definitely counts as odd, but my mom and dad spoke their commitment vows during sunset at a canyon overlook in Mesa Verde National Park. In my baby book Mom wrote, “In Spanish mesa means table, but in our family, Mesa means love, beauty, and the beginning of everything.” 

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