Award News

Devil Springs is no longer in print, and I won’t see my sales figures or a royalty check because the small press that published this book closed and did not arrange to get me these things. Sigh.

Publishing. It’s not for the weak of heart. (Or for those who truly need it to pay the bills.)

I have no plans to self-publish Devil Springs even though I have my rights back, so if you want a copy, maybe there’s some still in stock at Amazon or other online places, but I have no idea who gets paid from such a purchase. I do have about 25 copies of my own stock I can sign and sell though. I also have a box of ARCS sent to me after the publisher closed (kinda useless timing) that I’m happy to give away free.

AND since Devil Springs is now a Florida Writer’s Association Silver Royal Palm Literary Award winner, clearly you want to scoop up those copies :-)

2020 Silver Badge.png